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PGL day 3 - sunshine at last

"You want me to jump off this 8m wobbly tower?" is exactly the type of question you want to hear, especially when followed by a leap.

It may have been -2 when we woke up this morning, but we were greeted by a beautiful sunrise, and the day has just got better from there.

We've been climbing up giant ladders and telegraph poles, throwing axes, shooting rifles in the range and taking part in fencing tournaments. All in all, a great day in lovely conditions. The children have supported each other, worked together and pushed themselves to go one step higher, challenging themselves, and each other every step of the way. Some of the activities require quite a lot of unusual skills that the children haven't had to use before, so they've had to show quite a lot of resilience as they develop those skills throughout each session. The sense of satisfaction (sometimes a whoop of joy or a Viking-like roar) when a target is hit or a platform reached is amazing to witness.

We're now over halfway through our stay, and while most would quite happily stay here for a lot longer, those that are feeling homesick know that they've already done brilliantly, shown buckets of resilience and independence, and that those home comforts are only a couple of days away (days that are full of giant swings, aeroball, archery tag and silent discos, I might add). We're off to dinner, and then to play hide and seek in the freezing Sussex countryside - wish us luck!