PGL day 4 - the last full day

4 seasons in one day, 4 different types of precipitation, lots of fun.
Our last full day here at PGL has seen us brave snow, rain, hail and sleet in the morning, only to be bathed in glorious autumnal sun in the afternoon. The weather did nothing to dampen our spirits, and we carried on regardless; climbing frozen, slippery ladders, orienteering around the site, jumping off towers (onto a trapeze this time), jumping on trampolines (while mastering the sport of aeroball), and flying through the air on a giant swing. It's been full on, and the children have been so supportive of each other throughout. They're now used to the routine, and although everyone is tired, spirits have been kept up, and some children never want to leave this place.
We've just had a trip to the shop followed by the silent disco (which deserves its own blog post) and are now packing up our things ready for departure tomorrow. It's been a jam-packed week, and we're aware that we haven't been able to document everyone doing everything, but we hope you get a flavour of the amazing things they've been up to. We will make sure we give you access to all the photos we've taken over the week when we're back in school next week.
It's an early start to make sure we're out of our rooms before breakfast, then more activities before we head back home to (hopefully) be with you between 4-4.30, but keep an eye on school comms for the latest ETA. We're going to be handing over some very tired children (and adults)...