Pupil Power
We are always keen to find opportunities for the children to make links between their learning and the real world. As part of this, our Year 6s were keen to contact the Prime Minister (I know, aim high kids!) to explain their concerns around Climate Change and to demand that the UK government continue to address this matter urgently. Mr Hill arrived back to school after the Winter break to find that the PM's office had replied. See the response below.
Also waiting for Mr Hill, was a belated response to letters that the Year 6 from 2022/23 sent to the British Museum. The children wanted to express how they felt about the British Museum's Benin artefacts collection; asking whether they should retain them or return them. Although the response was delayed, the content shows time and care taken by the author to read and answer the children's questions. This letter will also be really useful to the current Year 6, who start their new topic 'Africa' this term and will also look at the Kingdom of Benin. See the response in the link below.