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Parent Teacher Association (PTA)

Edmund Waller has an active PTA, which is also a registered charity. We raise funds to provide a variety of benefits for the children to enjoy at school.

Over the years the PTA has organised and funded many events along with providing additional equipment for the school.

Last year the PTA raised over £10,000, which we have given to the school to spend in many ways. Here are just a few of the ways the money has been spent; new climbing frame, ball hoops and playground equipment, subsiding educational visits, enabling the school concert to be performed at the Southbank and more books for the library.

You can support the PTA in many ways, either by getting involved in organising events, contributing time, providing donations or just turning up and spending money at our events, it all helps!

We hold a meeting at the start of each half-term to discuss events, fundraising opportunities and where to spend our money. Younger kids are welcome, and tea and biscuits always served.

To help you keep informed of events and meetings the PTA has a facebook page, search for Edmund Waller PTA. Alternative, if you feel you can help in any way please email us at

Thank you and we look forward to meeting you.